Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Post #1!

Why is it important for communication majors to study design?

Design is something that is seen and used in everyday life. Communication majors especially should study it since the majority of us will be going into advertising or another related field.

Lets take times square as an example. You are seeing hundreds of ad's just in mere minutes by being there. How do you think people made those ads? Most of them probably come from a background with design. Many people who are going into the communication field will be exposed to thousands of these ads everyday. If you are going to be a Public Relations specialist, then I believe this should be one of the most important things to you! You are the one who is going to be deciding which ad is to be published to best represent your company. Coming from a background where you have experience in the design field could greatly benefit you in your future career.

Why does good design matter?

Saying good design does not matter is like saying you would not care if you got crappy food in a restaurant. Good design matters because it appeals to people. Let us compare and contrast a good advertisement with a bad one.


If you take the design on the left there is just way to much going on. You have several different colors and pieces that make it hard to focus on the thing you are selling which is Schweppes. On the right we have an ad for pepsi max which has a limited color pallet and makes it easy to focus on the thing that you are trying to sell. Good design matters so that people will know what point you are trying to get across when it comes to advertisements. It also matters because who wants to see something bad when when you can get something good.

What do you like about this piece?

My favorite type of artwork is steampunk. I think they have a cool olden days type vibe that is edgy. I will show you one of my favorite steampunk abstract paintings:

This piece is called "The golden sun" and was created by Matthew Hamblen. I love how artistic it is and the color pallet that was used. I think this is a good design because it is beautifully done. It is a magnificent idea and was put together very well. The colors that he used compliment each other and they really express his idea on "The golden sun".

To wrap things up I look forward to this class and everything it will offer me. It seems like we will be doing a lot of fun projects and everyone in the class seems to be enthusiastic about it! Till next time!

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