Alright this might be somewhat of a blog blast so bare with me folks. In this post I am going to talk about our last project, my magazine layout! I think everyone in my class did a great job and had some sweet magazines! But now you all get to be the judge of mine!
Tada! My final project. I know you guys can not see the text but that doesn't matter. Overall I think my project came out well. The presentation is nice and everything is aligned and there are no orphans or dangles. Although I am happy that it came out neat and tidy I wish I had done some cooler stuff and done a two page layout instead of a one page layout. I could have done some crazy cool design but instead I stuck to the boring route. Now I am not saying I hate my final product because I don't I definitely think I would read it if it were presented to me in a magazine layout. I just feel like there is something missing and it could have been improved somehow. Unfortunately I had a MASSIVE and when I say that I mean HUGE brain fart. I just ran out of ideas. I really tried to brainstorm before the due date but I just could not think of anything else that I should add to change the layout without ruining my overall design.
So there is good and bad with everything. The good is that it is really neat and readable. Yay! But it is not as exciting as some of my peers designs. And thats bad. Boo. I think that this assignment was not the most fun because we didnt have as much creative control as I would usually like. I know that this might be what I am given some day by a client but it was not my favorite assignment.
Anywho thats all I have for you for this post, so till next time!
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