Thursday, May 16, 2013

Post #20!

Dun dun daaa! This is my final post for the semester! how sad :( although I did have a lot of fun in this class and I am sad that it is over I am really looking forward to summer vacation to get my tan on. So lets just do an overall caption of what I learned in this class.

The first thing I learned was what colors go well together. We worked on focusing on simple colors and learning that less is more. Another thing we learned about was the type font Helvetica. I never knew you could write produce and direct a whole movie on a font. One more thing we learned before diving into our own designs was kerning. I never knew that such a thing existed and know that i do know it bothers the crap out of me! whenever I look at images now all I can think about if the spacing is correct. haha

Now we get to talk about all the fun stuff that I learned in this class! I never even knew what in-design was before taking this class and now that I do it has helped me a lot. I will defiantly be using it in the future to work on my PR campaigns and other things. I am also very happy that we got to learn how to use Photoshop and illustrator I never really knew how to use them before and I am glad that I took this class as it has taught me many valuable skills that I can use in my career. 

Overall I can say that I really enjoyed this class and working on all the projects. I think it has really let me take advantage of my creative side and I know more now then I did before. 

So with that being said this class was a blast and I look forward to seeing some of you in my classes in the fall! have a wonderful summer everyone!!!

Post #19!

Okay so for this post we are going to talk about the final project which was the tri-fold brochure that we had to do. So without further a-do here is my final product!

Just kidding so sad news is I do not have the final product saved as a jpeg so I will describe it to you and you can just use your imagination. Also if you are in my class you will see it anyways haha.

So my final brochure ended up being on how to ski in 4 easy steps. I went into adobe illustrator to make the background of both the front and inside page. With the inside pages I did a little ski guy skiing down a hill and he is seen in every fold. Then on the front I made the ski guy on the ski lift. On the front, back and inside flap he is seen on the ski lift. Lets talk about the front first. on the front I wrote "how to ski in 4 easy steps" in chalk duster font and aligned it left. Then I also threw a picture of real skis in on the side. Makes it look very professional. Next the first step I did was equipment. I even made a little equipment checklist that you can check off all the things you need before venturing off onto the mountain. The next step I did was on the inside flap and that was strapping up. In that step I describe how to put your ski's on. The third step which is the inside middle is the lift. Now the lift is the hardest part of skiing. In this section I went into detail of how to get on and off the lift because trust me you will need to know. The last step on the inside right page i did was step four. That step is actually skiing and how to get down the hill. The easiest technique that I know how to do is pizza, french fry. It is just how it sounds too. You put your skis in the shape of a pizza to go slow and in the shape of a french fry to go fast. I even provided you with a diagram at the bottom of the page. And finally on the back I put a map of my favorite mountain and the one I go to most Bristol mountain. I just thought it would be nice to incorporate a fake sponsor.

So that in a nutshell is my brochure . I wish I could of posted a picture but unfortunately I do not have it saved as a jpeg and it wont let me convert it on this computer.

So I will blog you next time for my last post!

Post #18

Today we will go into the wonderful world of design and architecture! There are many amazing "designers" that have there work up for the rest of eternity. Lets take a look at some of these amazing and well known buildings so we can talk about there design.

A very historic landmark that I am sure everyone knows is the Eiffel tower in Paris, France. Just look at how well designed it is and how much work was put into it. Since it is located right in the heart of Paris it is a must see to any tourist. The overall structure of it though is really what catches the eye. From the arches at the bottom that form all the way to the top and how even it is, it truly is an amazing piece.

Another great historic landmark from around the world is the leaning tower of Pisa located in Pisa, Italy. Now this really is a unique piece of architecture. Why do you think the designer made it "tilt?" was it intended? was it an accident? did something hit it later on to make it tilt? who knows! I defiantly do not I just love this piece.  Plus one day I will eventually be one of those tourists who stands far away and gets the "look I am holding up the leaning tower of Pisa!" 

Last but not least is the one and only statue of liberty that is right here! and by right here I mean an 8 hour drive from Buffalo to NYC. Now although this was a gift from France it was a great piece and just goes to show how many good designers are out there. 

Overall there are so many great architectural pieces out there and I could talk for hours about every one. But since this is a blog I don't want to bore you to death. With that being said till next time!

Post #17!

So we are coming to an end I only have three more posts to do after this! holy poop! Building off of my last post I would like to take the time today to talk about social media and how it is influencing designers and the younger generation.

The first form of social media that is really "influencing" people to be a little more artsy is instagram. I think that instagram is a great tool for up and coming photographers or painters who want to get their work noticed. You can literally become "instagram famous" just by getting a bunch of followers. From a point of view of a designer that's amazing and like I said before a great way to get your work noticed.

Another app that is on the rise is vine. Vine is where you take a bunch of little videos and it makes them into a collage that you can upload right on your phone. This app would also be very good for artists or designers if they were to have an exhibit they would be able to show there followers and even people from across the country! or even the world!

Anyways those are just two examples of many forms of social media that is being used today. We cant forget Facebook or twitter. There are also smaller ones that are not as well known such as snap chat and another app called whisper. 

In this day and age I would say that you MUST not only be able to understand these forms of media but you need to be proficient in them as well. With that being said till next time!  

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Post #16!

Ok so today we are going to take a blast from the past and compare advertisements from then and now. Lets take a look at a few of them!

This is a great example of how advertisements used to be. This is a basic color scheme with a powerful message. This ad went nation wide during the war. It was a very basic message to understand and with uncle sam pointing directly at you it made you feel like he had a connection with you. Like he wanted you specifically for the army. (obviously.) This poster is just a great example of how someone can get there message across so powerfully just by hanging a picture with words.

Today there is a sad fact of life. And thats that the internet is taking over the world. Nowadays we just do not see ads like they used to back in the day. I asked my friend today if he could think of a good poster ad that I could use for my blog and he could not think of anything.

So with the ever growing technology age I have to say that poster ad's are slowly dying. It is just much easier to look something up on the internet or put it on your website. 

Till next time!

Post #15!

For this post we will be talking about another exercise. This exercise was replacing the head of Amelia Earhart on the picture of the first all women's space crew. This was another photoshop exercise and I was even more excited to learn this one. It will help me make cool photos and "illusion" photos. Anyways here is my final outcome:

Look at that! amazing I didnt know Amelia Earhart was there! haha. So overall I think this exercise was much easier to do then the human corpse. I am really proud of myself though and how realistic this looks. I think the hardest part of this exercise was trying to get the flag to match up. I didn't want the flag to look like it was fake or had been tampered with. The other thing that I struggled with was her neck. I was trying to get the head to line up as good as possible but it was very tough. There is a bit of a two tone difference in her neck due to the fact that I wanted to get rid of the scarf she was wearing in the picture that our lovely professor provided us with. The black and white spots on the neck just did not quite match up perfectly. Also her head looks a little big for her body. And like I was saying the neck looks weird. But I think for only my second or third time using photoshop I think I did a really good job. 

I have to say while doing this project I did feel a little bad. We had to cut out that girls face in the picture to make it look like Amelia Earhart was actually there. That poor girl. Anyways overall I am happy that it looks somewhat realistic. 

Anyways till next time!

Post #14!

Hello classmates and future designers! So this next post as you most likely guessed is about my third project the poster! At the beginning of this project I had a lot of trouble deciding what my topic was going to be. My mind was all over the place but I eventually decided on anti-authoratian. Oooo-Ahhhh.  I decided to pick this topic because it is something that almost everyone can relate to. At one point or another in your life you have said "forget the rules!" and tried to be a cool rebel or something. Don't lie. We ALL had that phase in our life. But anyways lets get back to whats important and thats the design of my poster.

Bam! look at that its my final poster. First things first lets talk about the "slogan". I decided to use these words because that way it gets you to think a little bit. Maybe the government isn't telling us everything.  Maybe everything that we have is actuality an illusion even though we think we are "free" maybe were not. Who knows. The mystery is what I was going for.

The next thing to talk about are the pictures. In the top left and the bottom left I used pictures of things that represent our supposed "freedom" such as The Bill Of Rights and the "justice" symbol. I thought it would be a great way to express what the government tells us. Next in the upper right hand corner there is a picture of drugs, money and a gun. I used this picture to represent the drug contra-band scandal with the CIA which I show a picture of in the lower right hand corner and how they are accused of bringing cocaine into the United States. The one in the middle on the bottom is of Richard Nixon and the watergate scandal. This one did happen back in the day but it is a great example of how you shouldn't always believe what you hear. The last picture is the one in the center of the eyes. I used this picture because it is a great way to show that even though you can see it, does it really happen? Just like  a magician with his tricks. 

Someone in my class (sorry I dont remember your name!) said that this sort of looks like an old playbill too. Even though I did not intend for that to happen I am happy that it did. It really pulls the look together to give it that old timey feel.

Well that is all I have to say for this post so till next time!

Post #13!

Today we are going to talk about one of the exercises. This exercise taught me how to use photoshop! I was really excited to learn how to do this exercise because I have always wanted to learn how to use photoshop as I have no prior experience. What we had to do in this exercise was create a "human corpse" out of images that our text book provided us with.

Tada! This is my final product of the exercise. I think it came out pretty good considering I have never used photoshop before. The first thing I did when doing this exercise was lay out the hands in the background. You can not really see them in this pic but there are hands touching in the background in blue I assure you. I had to line the hands up so it looked like they were touching then i changed the opacity of one of the hands so it gave the illusion that you could see through it. Then I changed the hue to a nice blue just like they did in the book. 

After that I imported all of the pics and arranged them in a way that was closest to an actually human body. Then I changed the opacity and hue to an orangey yellow and there you have my finished product.

Overall I had a lot of fun on this exercise! It taught me a lot of cool skills that I used in my poster project.  So you can only guess what my next post is going to be about.  Anyways I  like the presentation of how this exercise came out. So with that till next time!