Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Post #16!

Ok so today we are going to take a blast from the past and compare advertisements from then and now. Lets take a look at a few of them!

This is a great example of how advertisements used to be. This is a basic color scheme with a powerful message. This ad went nation wide during the war. It was a very basic message to understand and with uncle sam pointing directly at you it made you feel like he had a connection with you. Like he wanted you specifically for the army. (obviously.) This poster is just a great example of how someone can get there message across so powerfully just by hanging a picture with words.

Today there is a sad fact of life. And thats that the internet is taking over the world. Nowadays we just do not see ads like they used to back in the day. I asked my friend today if he could think of a good poster ad that I could use for my blog and he could not think of anything.

So with the ever growing technology age I have to say that poster ad's are slowly dying. It is just much easier to look something up on the internet or put it on your website. 

Till next time!

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