Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Post #14!

Hello classmates and future designers! So this next post as you most likely guessed is about my third project the poster! At the beginning of this project I had a lot of trouble deciding what my topic was going to be. My mind was all over the place but I eventually decided on anti-authoratian. Oooo-Ahhhh.  I decided to pick this topic because it is something that almost everyone can relate to. At one point or another in your life you have said "forget the rules!" and tried to be a cool rebel or something. Don't lie. We ALL had that phase in our life. But anyways lets get back to whats important and thats the design of my poster.

Bam! look at that its my final poster. First things first lets talk about the "slogan". I decided to use these words because that way it gets you to think a little bit. Maybe the government isn't telling us everything.  Maybe everything that we have is actuality an illusion even though we think we are "free" maybe were not. Who knows. The mystery is what I was going for.

The next thing to talk about are the pictures. In the top left and the bottom left I used pictures of things that represent our supposed "freedom" such as The Bill Of Rights and the "justice" symbol. I thought it would be a great way to express what the government tells us. Next in the upper right hand corner there is a picture of drugs, money and a gun. I used this picture to represent the drug contra-band scandal with the CIA which I show a picture of in the lower right hand corner and how they are accused of bringing cocaine into the United States. The one in the middle on the bottom is of Richard Nixon and the watergate scandal. This one did happen back in the day but it is a great example of how you shouldn't always believe what you hear. The last picture is the one in the center of the eyes. I used this picture because it is a great way to show that even though you can see it, does it really happen? Just like  a magician with his tricks. 

Someone in my class (sorry I dont remember your name!) said that this sort of looks like an old playbill too. Even though I did not intend for that to happen I am happy that it did. It really pulls the look together to give it that old timey feel.

Well that is all I have to say for this post so till next time!

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