Thursday, May 16, 2013

Post #18

Today we will go into the wonderful world of design and architecture! There are many amazing "designers" that have there work up for the rest of eternity. Lets take a look at some of these amazing and well known buildings so we can talk about there design.

A very historic landmark that I am sure everyone knows is the Eiffel tower in Paris, France. Just look at how well designed it is and how much work was put into it. Since it is located right in the heart of Paris it is a must see to any tourist. The overall structure of it though is really what catches the eye. From the arches at the bottom that form all the way to the top and how even it is, it truly is an amazing piece.

Another great historic landmark from around the world is the leaning tower of Pisa located in Pisa, Italy. Now this really is a unique piece of architecture. Why do you think the designer made it "tilt?" was it intended? was it an accident? did something hit it later on to make it tilt? who knows! I defiantly do not I just love this piece.  Plus one day I will eventually be one of those tourists who stands far away and gets the "look I am holding up the leaning tower of Pisa!" 

Last but not least is the one and only statue of liberty that is right here! and by right here I mean an 8 hour drive from Buffalo to NYC. Now although this was a gift from France it was a great piece and just goes to show how many good designers are out there. 

Overall there are so many great architectural pieces out there and I could talk for hours about every one. But since this is a blog I don't want to bore you to death. With that being said till next time!

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