Tuesday, March 12, 2013

post #10!

Okay so this is the last post that you will see from me for today, I promise. Lets start talking about what ideas I have for my next project.

Here is the example that we were giving for what our final project is to look like for this project. So I think for one of my images that I will include is the color wheel. I was thinking about putting it off to the side and having some text wrapped around it. I thought that this would be useful in the fact that the whole article is about the psychology of color. Like thats the title so of course I am going to have a color wheel thrown in there somewhere! Another cool design element I was think about doing was just sticking to the three basic colors. yellow, red and blue. I say this because within the first paragraph of the article that we will be designing on is the McDonald's colors which are red and yellow. The reason I want to throw Blue in there as well is so that people don't feel rushed like they do at McDonalds. Also looking back to my post about magazines, I might try to change things up a bit and wrap the text in a different way then everyone else. Maybe I will even do a black background. I have a couple ideas in mind but I have no idea what I am going to do yet.

To wrap things up I am very excited to start working on this next project. It should be really fun to design a magazine layout. Maybe someday I will actually be working for the national geographic and have to design a layout of my own for one of their spreads with a fantastic article that will be featured on the cover about my journey around the world. Like I said maybe...in another world haha. But none the less I am excited for this project and cant wait to get started! Till next time!

Post #4!

The American Psycho Business card scene. After watching that a few classes ago it was hilarious! I wanted to talk about it for a few moments today in my blog post. First things first when he whipped out his business card and thought it was the best thing ever with the fonts and the colors. Priceless. I think I literally laughed out loud at how funny it was. He thought he was the coolest kid in school with his new business card. But then suddenly BAM someone else pulls out one of their business cards! To me it looked almost identical but to him no way jose! He had a better card with improved font and everything! Then they went down the line as each one of them had whipped out business cards! Lets compare these business cards that were presented in the movie.

Now I know what you are all thinking. Probably the same thing as me that they look almost identical! Its crazy how those business cards are portrayed in that movie. So lets take a look at some real life business cards and see how they compare with fonts!

These are real life business card that Shannon P and I received at Buffalo States PRSSA a night with the PRofessionals. You can see that each business used very different font types and color schemes but they all stayed with the same professional white background. Lets talk about the first one. The is a business card for Buzz Records. They are a local record agency and as you can see they use some pretty crazy font! But it makes sense since they are targeting a certain audience. The one underneath that is for Uniland. It is another local business. As you can see in that one they are trying to be a little more bold by using the blue color type font. Finally the last one is for a marketing professional who works for First Niagara Bank. That is one of the simplest ones since they are such a well known organization. 

To wrap things up for this post when we watched that scene from american pyscho it really got me thinking of how different corporations target different people. The simpliest way to do that is to chose an approiate font!

Post #9!

This post is going to be about the magazine layout spread that we are suppose to right about in our blogs for homework so I hope this counts as one of the 10 posts we are suppose to have up before midterms come! Any ways Im sure you can all guess what magazine I chose to write about. The national geographic! I chose this because it talks about issues all over the world and has some pretty sweet magazine layouts.

The first magazine layout that I looked at was about geologists and mars. It talks about the research and other up an coming things with mars and its developments. I found this article interesting in its layout because it used a black background and white text with mars in the background. I thought this was very well put together and that the layout was done well since they were relating everything in the article back to outer space. What caught my eye in this article was the giant picture of mars in the background. I might keep that in mind for my next project. Do some fading effects or something like that.

The next magazine layout I looked out was one that talked about a historical dam looked in good old america in Missouri. It used to be a native land where they have been digging up old native american tools and various other things that have been very helpful. This layout I thought was put together a little better then the one before it. The white background will always be my go to for magazine layouts. They wrapped the text around the pictures very nicely and it is well presented. I liked how they threw more then one big picture in the article they had a few little ones in their which really made you feel like you were at the site.

The last article I found was one about buddhists and their beliefs. I believe this layout was put together well and has one main picture to focus on along with the words wrapped around it which is nice. Although I did like the multiple pictures in the article before I also enjoy just the one big picture to focus on.

To wrap things up I believe that all of these articles where well put together even though I like some more then others. Overall I think I found some very good articles. Till next time!

Post #8!

Ok so since in the last post I talked about my first project guess what I am going to talk about in this post? Exercise #1! I will show you the picture we had to base it off and my final copy of what I interpreted this guy to look like!

Tada! there is the picture that we had to interpret into our own by only using the rectangle tool in Adobe Illustrator. This picture kind of creeps me out to be honest. I feel like he is looking into my soul searching for the answers of why he was painted in such an odd fashion. Well now lets take a look at my interpretation of this creepy and unsettling painting!

Bam! thats my final interpretation of the painting. I think mine turned out to be a little happier since the colors that I used were a little brighter. Lets start off with the head and the body. I tried to stick as close as I possibly could to the colors of what was portrayed. I also added in the reddish hair along with the red wrinkles that are going across his forehead. I think it adds a nice touch. I also tried to portion the sizes as close to the real thing as I could. This part was a little difficult since I did not have a tape measurer to my advantage. All I had was the picture to look at and my rectangle tool. The last thing I want to point out that I did was accent some of the red lines around the image of his body and the random blue spot that I saw. The blue spot stood out to me the most because it was so random and a little brighter then the rest of the colors in the painting. Maybe that blue spot represented hope for a better future for all of the lost souls. 

To wrap things up I had a lot of fun doing this assignment. It was simple and let me interpret a painting the way I saw it. Till next time!

Post #7!

Everyone I would like to apologize right now for my mass posting today but hey I gotta do what I gotta do to try and get that 4.0 this semester! anyone else with me? Well anyways today I will be talking about dun dun daaaaa my first project! (and this one includes a picture!)

Okay so I made this picture really big so you get the full effect of my amazing initials and introspective project. First things first lets talk about color. I chose orange and black because they are my favorite colors and coincidently enough they are also the schools colors! talk about dumb luck. Any who I also chose pink as the border because it goes very well with orange and brings the whole project together. Lets start with the first bubble that has my family. I chose to put my mom, dad and brother on here because they are very important to me. They are my family there always going to be with me no matter what I do. The next two bubbles are just random words, literally the word random is there haha, that other people use to describe me. The next big bubble is also random words but focused a little bit on my friends. I like throwing fun surprise parties for my friends. The one after that is outdoor activities that I enjoy doing. One day I hope to move to Colorado to be able to enjoy the beautiful west. The next one includes my boyfriend and my best friends. My boyfriend and friends are also very important to me because they make my life fun and interesting. The next one is amusement parks. I LOVE amusement parks if I could live at one I would! Motivated is my next bubble and that one goes hand in hand with corporate communications. I am motivated to get a job in corporate communications by getting my bachelors here at buffalo state. I mean I am graduating in three years instead of four. The next bubble is a quote from big bang theory because I love that show and I can relate to it since I myself am a dork. The one to the bottom of left of that bubble was literally one of the hardest bubbles and took me forever to do. I love the way it came out though with some of the places I hope to travel to someday. My dream in life is to see the world one way or another. I have a bunch of little bubbles all around too that say more random words like adventure, skiing and the types of music I like which are pop, punk and rock. The last bubble (finally!) is a quote that is very important to me. I am literally obsessed with the show Doctor Who. That quote just seems so genuine even though it is from a TV show but I was bawling my eyes out when the doctor said it. Favorite quote ever.

So to wrap things up that is why my first project included all of that mumbo jumbo. It also has my initials thrown in there since well that was a part of the grading curriculum. anyways I am excited for the next project and cant wait to see what everyone does with it! Till next Time!

Post #6!

Today I will be discussing all of the wonderful collages that we had to make a few weeks back for homework! First I would like to say that everyone did a fantastic job on there collages and they looked pretty cool. This hands down was one of the best and easiest homework assignments that I have ever had to do. I actually had fun doing my homework for once! (Surprising I know :P). I do not want to talk about anyone else's collage on here because I want them to talk about it themselves in their blogs! really guys let me hear your thoughts! But lets start out with what I did for my collage.

So unfortunately for this I do not have a picture but on account that the majority of you saw it you just need to use your imagination! But I will describe it a little bit incase you were not there that day. It was one of the biggest collages in the class on poster board. It had little bits of information floating all around but at the very bottom were my initials. I wanted them to be large and in charge of the collage. Almost like they were the base of everything that I like to do. Above that I had the american eagle logo as the focal point for my collage. I know we were told several times to try and not use images but I just could not help myself. I am in love with american eagle. Like everything that I own is from that store. Since that is where the majority of my clothes came from off of that I cut out a ton of different words that I would use to describe myself. Some of the words were cool, fun, party and eyes. Just simple easy words that took me literally forever to find to cut out of the magazine. Anyways a lot of people said that my collage was very grid like and that is a GREAT thing for me. That is exactly what I was going for on this project. The majority of my projects that I will be doing from now on will probably look very structured. I have always loved that clean structured look.

To wrap things up overall I ended up really loving how my final collage came out. I was very inspired by everyone else's collages as well for my first project. Sorry about the lack of pictures for this post folks but dont worry there will be plenty next time! Peace!

Post #5!

For this post I figured we should talk about something very important that I have not yet posted about and that is (Drum Roll Please!!!) ...... The Principles of design! We even had a presentation in class about it and I have just completely forgot to talk about it! These are obviously the basics but also some of the most important elements that we shouldn't forget. I will be pulling the examples right out of the presentation that is posted oh so kindly in the mothership blog!

Starting off with Line. As you can see line is a very important element to design. It adds structure as well as gives you a sense of were you are or even how you are feeling. In this particular photo I feel as if I am in a quite little town on a Sunday afternoon. It is a very peaceful image and does not make me angry, just a feeling of pure happiness.

Next is shape. Again this makes things feel more realistic and gives them a sense of purpose. To me this looks like two lemons on top of a hat. It could also be a ring on a ring stand that you would see in the store. Thats just my interpretation of it and I dont even know if that is right! But beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess!

Next is form. Form is more so important in actual paintings then when using indesign. But Alas! Do not be fooled by that because form is also a very important aspect when deigning anything. Form can be used in several different ways to put things together or even make something a little more organized.

Color is another important element that is stressed a lot in this class! This is an excellent portrayal of the color scheme and it also uses a limited pallet. Color is very important because you do not want to much color or it can be overbearing that is way less is more.

Last but not least is texture. Texture can really make or break a photo or a design. It brings everything together and sometimes makes it pop off the page!

To wrap things up we went over the five elements design which are very important to anyone who will ever design a project. It is of the most importance to never forget these key items! till next time!

Post #3!

Long time no post! Today I will be talking all about the wonderful world of Helvetica. Let me see where to start with this movie since there was so much that was talked about. I want to start off with one of the presenters in this movie. I did not catch his name but he was from a long line of typographers.

There he is! (I think thats him at least ) I found it interesting that he came from such a long line of typographers and found it cool that he carried on his families profession. That was one of my favorite presenters in the movie. Overall what I found most interesting is how often Helvetica is used. I bet we can relate this back to my worldly adventures so lets find out what other countries use Helvetica!

There is Helvetica again but its in Thai! It really is interesting to see how many different countries use Helvetica even when written in different languages. Lets take a look at one more country that uses this font type!

I dont know if you know this but its good ol' Britain! The UK is a user of this typeface that we have learned to grow and love here in America as well. 

To wrap things up overall Helvetica was pretty cool when it showed the examples of the way the typeface is used in different countries. It was also cool how they had life long typographers as some of the main presenters. Blog you later! (Haha its punny!)