Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Post #4!

The American Psycho Business card scene. After watching that a few classes ago it was hilarious! I wanted to talk about it for a few moments today in my blog post. First things first when he whipped out his business card and thought it was the best thing ever with the fonts and the colors. Priceless. I think I literally laughed out loud at how funny it was. He thought he was the coolest kid in school with his new business card. But then suddenly BAM someone else pulls out one of their business cards! To me it looked almost identical but to him no way jose! He had a better card with improved font and everything! Then they went down the line as each one of them had whipped out business cards! Lets compare these business cards that were presented in the movie.

Now I know what you are all thinking. Probably the same thing as me that they look almost identical! Its crazy how those business cards are portrayed in that movie. So lets take a look at some real life business cards and see how they compare with fonts!

These are real life business card that Shannon P and I received at Buffalo States PRSSA a night with the PRofessionals. You can see that each business used very different font types and color schemes but they all stayed with the same professional white background. Lets talk about the first one. The is a business card for Buzz Records. They are a local record agency and as you can see they use some pretty crazy font! But it makes sense since they are targeting a certain audience. The one underneath that is for Uniland. It is another local business. As you can see in that one they are trying to be a little more bold by using the blue color type font. Finally the last one is for a marketing professional who works for First Niagara Bank. That is one of the simplest ones since they are such a well known organization. 

To wrap things up for this post when we watched that scene from american pyscho it really got me thinking of how different corporations target different people. The simpliest way to do that is to chose an approiate font!

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