Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Post #8!

Ok so since in the last post I talked about my first project guess what I am going to talk about in this post? Exercise #1! I will show you the picture we had to base it off and my final copy of what I interpreted this guy to look like!

Tada! there is the picture that we had to interpret into our own by only using the rectangle tool in Adobe Illustrator. This picture kind of creeps me out to be honest. I feel like he is looking into my soul searching for the answers of why he was painted in such an odd fashion. Well now lets take a look at my interpretation of this creepy and unsettling painting!

Bam! thats my final interpretation of the painting. I think mine turned out to be a little happier since the colors that I used were a little brighter. Lets start off with the head and the body. I tried to stick as close as I possibly could to the colors of what was portrayed. I also added in the reddish hair along with the red wrinkles that are going across his forehead. I think it adds a nice touch. I also tried to portion the sizes as close to the real thing as I could. This part was a little difficult since I did not have a tape measurer to my advantage. All I had was the picture to look at and my rectangle tool. The last thing I want to point out that I did was accent some of the red lines around the image of his body and the random blue spot that I saw. The blue spot stood out to me the most because it was so random and a little brighter then the rest of the colors in the painting. Maybe that blue spot represented hope for a better future for all of the lost souls. 

To wrap things up I had a lot of fun doing this assignment. It was simple and let me interpret a painting the way I saw it. Till next time!

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